about my books

I am a blogger who likes to blog on things related to the Bible and theology though I am by no means a “bibloblogger” in the strictest sense… About a year ago, while we were still pastors of the AG church that is in the Grand Canyon National Park, South Rim (up on the rim, not in the canyon…) we had a serious mold problem with the mobile home we were living in at the time that ruined nearly all our belongings. Both my wife’s and my beloved books from college and seminary were among the casualties!! Mold, like a fine dust you barely notice ruins anything porous, so even if the books looked okay physically, as if there was nothing wrong with them per se, they were they were soaked in mold spores. So for our own and our children’s health and safety, we had to throw them away…

Some ask how they can help? Well, there are at least two ways:

I am on the WTS bookstore blogger program which is based on the number of clicks one gets. After 500 clicks they cut you a check to buy some books. to help, click on the link below:

The Gospel of John (J. Ramsey Michaels in the NICNT set).  Clicking the link will give me credit.  If you want to buy a different book than the link you can go from there.  🙂

The other way is through my Amazon associate link: Amazon Home Page.  Purchasing something through this link should give me credit.

I also have a CBD deal but have to get the up later.

Thanks for the consideration.


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