Quote of the Day

Here’s my quote of the Day!

Let’s speak positively of the trustworthiness of scripture, not negatively of inerrancy. After all, the author 2 Timothy didn’t write: ‘no scripture is rather lamely uninspired‘, nor did the author of Hebrews write: ‘the word of God is not dead and not passive, not as blunt as any two-edged blunt sword‘, and the Psalmist didn’t confess: ‘the words of the LORD are not flawed‘! -Chris Tilling


2008 SPS Conference

I know my friend Sheryl (Dec 12th post) may not seem too keen on the upcoming SPS conference – but it looks to be a very interesting one this year especially since they have a speaker they have not had in the past – Professor Jürgen Moltmann of Tübingen University. Professor Moltmann is arguably the leading German Systematic Theologian in the world today and recently a Pentecostal! (I read his book The Way of Jesus Christ for a class in seminary on the Doctrine of Christ – you can see a review of it here). It’s nice to know we have a scholar of his caliber on our side! (yes: the “us vs. them” is deliberate! – ah, come on guys!). I am happy to know as well, two of my friends with the initials R.B. will be there. One on a panel and one presenting! (I am quite envious to say the least!)

Ah well, what is a poor pastor (scholar wannabe) like me supposed to do??!!