AGTS Welcomes Dr. Ivan Satyavrata

AGTS Welcomes Dr. Ivan Satyavrata:

satyavrataDr. Satyavrata will be the 2009 J. Philip Hogan Professor of World Missions at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary in Springfield, MO.  He has served as professor, academic dean, and president of Southern Asia Bible College, the AG’s primier educational institution in India.  He presently pastors the Assemblies of God church in Calcutta started by former AG missionary Mark Buntain and serves as president of Buntain Theological College in Calcutta.  He is also the administrator of schools for the AG Mission in Calcutta.

Dr. Satyavrata holds the Th.M. from Regent College in Vancouver, and a Ph.D. from The Oxford Center for Mission Studies in the U.K.  He has published chapters and articles in scholarly journals, dictionaries and compilations.  His book The Holy Spirit: Lord and Life-Giver was published by InterVarsity Press in June 2009.

5 responses to “AGTS Welcomes Dr. Ivan Satyavrata

  1. I noticed that “Calcutta” was misspelled as “Clacutta” above. Maybe someone could correct it?

    Also, does anyone know how I could reach Dr. Ivan Satyavrata? A friend of mine is doing research on a missionary to India in the early 1900’s named George E. Berg. I was wondering if Buntain Theological Seminary or anyone in Calcutta had any information on him.


    • Dear Scott
      I am not a pastor but a worshipper at Assembly Of god Church Kolkata and shall see what I can do to help you. I will ask around in church about him and if I get something will revert.

  2. Thanks Scott, I just cut and pasted it – sorry for the misspelling. I contacted one of the professors at AGTS to find out, hopefully he’ll be able to get back with you.

  3. Dear Dr Iwan,

    we met at SABC. I was principal at Faith Theological Seminary. Now i am pastoring Kerala Christian Assembly, Toronto. I would like to contact you, especially to know about Jobin, my church member. Kindly give me a contact number.

    Thank you,

    Jose K.G.

  4. Dear Ivan and Sheila,
    What a joy to see you in such a great position for God in Calcutta. I have been trying to reach you for a while now and this is my email i.d below. Would love to know if your church can take a young man who is studying in an AOG college here in the U.K. for a year to work as along a sr. team of Pastors and church in India. Well more once I hear from you, would be so good to catch up. Our love to the boys and we have been here since July 2011.
    With our love in Him
    Sam and Sarah

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