On the chaos in Eygpt

Jim West is all fired up because he feels those supposed biblical scholars, theologians and pastors who have not said something about the situation in Eygpt either on their blogs or some other medium have effectively abdicated their position as pastors, scholars and theolgians – he wants to know why no one is saying anything.  He has offered his input and has several posts on it.  Now, he wants to see others speak up too.

Well, I suppose every Christian is a theologian in some sense of the word as to “do theology” is to think or talk about God – so that is what most Christians do (or should be doing at some point in their day and lives), therefore every Christian is a theologian.

I have some minimum theology training (MDiv) so I suppose I am in some sense I am a pastor/scholar/theologian – what do I have to say about the situation in Egypt?

My encouragement is something every Christian can and should do – it doesn’t have to be extensive but it can and should be done:

Pray for the people and nation of Egypt – Pray for them earnestly – intercede before the throne of God on their behalf, that he would be Lord over that nation and people; that he would move among them and be the Prince of Peace.  Pray the Spirit of God would work among the leaders and people to bring conviction of sin, righteousness and judgment.  Pray that their hearts will be turned to him in repentance (he is really the one whom they are seeking though they know it or not).

How else can you intercede for them? Read the stories coming through the news and pray specifically for various needs and situations as they come up – that Mubarak would indeed resign and that their would be peace in the setting up of a new government; pray the chaos will die down and the curfews lifted; pray for the protection of lives and relationships; pray for the protection of the culture and that any and all destruction due to the violence would be minimum and come to an end.  I could go on and on and on – read the sources and allow the Spirit to lead you and your prayers and intercessions for the people and nation of Egypt.  We are a people of the Spirit, he can lead us in our prayers, we should follow.

I know there are other things we can do, but without a doubt, prayer is something everyone can do, and should.

No, this is not cheesy, it is biblical.

If you are really serious about this, you could also fast for the people and nation of Egypt.

Prayer and fasting work people – If God is putting it upon you to do such, do it without hesitation and with all abandon.


13 responses to “On the chaos in Eygpt

  1. Pingback: Jim’s right – where are the theological voices? | Unsettled Christianity

  2. Why are theologians supposed to be commenting on this in particular? What about Darfur, the Congo, Tunesia, etc.?

    • exactly – you have to read Jim’s blog post about his view and the comments – in a nut shell he sees theology as applying to real life and present day life – as if it doesn’t then what’s the point? Thanks for commenting Dr. Brueggeman.

  3. Pingback: Egypt | σφόδρα – exceedingly

      • Brian got my humor. I need to put smiley faces by my stuff. Sorry.

        Although, it is interesting to note I searched Jim’s blog and found one tiny mention of Egypt, and that mostly a quote from another article, before he rages against all of us about not mentioning Egypt.

        And what about Tunisia? What about Darfur? What about the outrage of the Coptic massacre?

        Certainly, this is a matter of prayer, thought, and discussion.

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