We’ve left the Grand Canyon…

To our supporters, friends and family,

It is with much heartache and tears that we are letting you guys know we are leaving the Grand Canyon.  As some of you know, we have been battling health issues with mold, and other toxins from our previous home.

We had some suspicions we were battling it again after our daughter caught pneumonia a few weeks ago.  More recently she had an anaphylactic attack where she was having trouble breathing, and kept vomiting.  We tried everything we could at home, then we got her ready to drive to the ER in Flagstaff.  As we were driving away her breathing cleared up and she seemed to get better.  That told us it was related to mold, and we knew in our hearts we needed to go.  We are not sure if it is underneath the newer home, leftover from the old house on the ground or in the environment.

We are worn out and exhausted physically and emotionally.  We feel the decision to leave will put our kids health first and our own health as well.  We have battled this over 3 and a half years.  We do not have any options to stay in the canyon because good housing is tied to management jobs in the concessions companies, and we did not want to try for such a job because it would take away our time from the ministry and our family.

As to what we will do next, we are not sure.  We did not have a plan “B” because we had felt God’s calling for us to be at the canyon.

We do know 3 things – 1) more than the canyon, we are called to our children and family first.  2) God knows our situation and is directing us even when we do not understand it.  3) God typically uses us in areas where we work with multiple nationalities- cross-culturally and we still have a heart for International Students.

Our US Missions account is open until the end of May, and we are asking those who support us to continue to do so until then.

While we are in transition, we are hoping to move to Phoenix, in a much dryer climate to rest, get healthy again, and pursue the Lord for his direction and strength.

We cannot tell you enough how much we love and appreciate you all – you have been a blessing to us and have partnered with us in our mission to the canyon.  We were hoping to communicate more personally with each of you, but through the process of moving and getting our stuff together, we will be traveling alot, so we weren’t sure if we’d have the time to do so before word got out.

Thank you again for partnering with us to impact nations and pray that we will continue to be able to do so again in the near future.

Debbie, Brian, Mercy & Samuel

10 responses to “We’ve left the Grand Canyon…

  1. Sorry to hear that. That sucks. Hopefully the health issues will get better after you leave and maybe you’ll look back and see that you were even more blessed for moving. I’d offer you a nice platitude right now but I know you don’t like them. ; )

    Is there a forwarding address? I’ve been meaning to send those two books I mentioned to you. But I keep forgetting to take them to work with me (plus I got some other stuff going on right now… my bad). I will get them sent soon though.

  2. Would you like to pastor in Phoenix if the opportunity opens up? Whatever you end up doing I pray that God blesses it (and I really mean that; it’s not just a platitude). 😉

  3. What a terrible struggle. I can’t imagine.

    I hope and pray this will bring you to serve God in another way that glorifies him and that you will be well provided for, knowing God’s peace.

  4. Bless you mate. May God continue to lead, anoint and appoint you and bring ongoing healing to your family.

    On another note – I hope your going to continue to blog. I for one am inspired and encouraged by your blogging.

  5. Pingback: Happy Thanksgiving! | συνεσταύρωμαι: living the crucified life

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